Read on for several articles on characterization data set development and spectrocolorimeters along with a Sample Documentation form for Offset Lithography.
Color characterization of a printing system Version 1 – October 2011
This CGATS Recommended Industry Practice defines the key steps necessary to prepare a printing system for color characterization. It is not recommended for use by groups who are developing color characterization data sets that may be used by a broad industry segment. This report includes recommendations for: process setup, specifications, target selection, sheet evaluation, measurement and collection, and analysis.
Color characterization data set development – Procedures for color measurement system process control and for inter-lab coordination
Version 1, March 2007
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance in setting up both a reflection measurement system and the process control necessary to ensure that the data reported is meaningful. Data produced by such a measurement system might include spectral reflectance, colorimetry, densitometry, and data derived from such measurements.
Guidance is also provided for those situations where data measured in multiple facilities is to be combined into a single database.
Color characterization data set development – Analysis and reporting
Version 1, March 2007
The objective of this CGATS Recommended Industry Practice is to define the key steps necessary to create color characterization data from press sheets collected from a press run associated with a specific defined printing condition. It includes recommendations for preliminary evaluation and sheet selection, data collection, data analysis, data consolidation and data reporting.
Color characterization data set development -Press run guidelines
Version 1, August 2003
This CGATS Recommended Industry Practice defines the key steps necessary to prepare press sheets that can be measured to enable the creation of color characterization data for a given printing condition. This document assumes that process aim points have been established and validated, that printed results have been demonstrated to be repeatable and reproducible within agreed upon or specified tolerances, and that good manufacturing procedures are being followed.
Sample Documentation Form for Offset Lithography
Extracted from Color characterization data set development – Press run guidelines
Version 1, August 2003
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